7 Tips for Obtaining a Loan for Your Startup

Image3Obtaining a business loan isn’t easy if you’re new to the process. The average person has no experience in professional borrowing, which means they typically have no idea what to do when the time comes to start making loan applications. There are also other considerations that need to be made such as your business’s financial situation, whether or not you can actually afford to repay a loan, and your business’s credit score. This post will address all of this and more, giving you a definitive guide on how to obtain a loan for your startup.

Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/100-u-s-dollar-banknotes-534229/

Think About Your Credit Score

One of the very first things you need to think about if you want to apply for a business loan is your credit score (or your business’s credit score, though the chances of it having one if it’s a startup are slim to none). Did you know that it is possible to get personal loans for bad credit and low income now? If not, then that is a loan type that’s worth looking into if your personal credit score is not very good. You can check your credit score for free online, so make sure that you do that before making applications. Each loan application will cause your score to drop a little, so you need to be confident that you are going to be accepted before making applications.

Your Ability to Make Repayments

Your ability to make repayments is another consideration that you need to make. Under no circumstances should you attempt to apply for a loan unless you are 100% confident that you are going to be able to repay it. Borrowing without being able to repay a loan is one of the worst things you can do as a business owner because it can drive you to bankruptcy’s door. The last thing your startup needs is to be pursued by debt collectors and creditors. A good way to make sure you are going to be able to make repayments is to use a financial forecasting and budgeting tool. Having a tool of this kind can benefit your business in many ways, so invest in one.

How Much Do You Want to Borrow?

How much money do you want to borrow? This is something you need to answer honestly. Don’t tell yourself you need more money than you actually do. A lot of people make the mistake of overborrowing when they are applying for loans. However, borrowing more than you actually need to is one of the worst things a person can do.


This is because if you borrow more than you need to, the amount of debt your business is in will increase and you’ll have to pay more interest on top of your loans. In the previous section, forecasting and budgeting tools were referenced. You can use these to get a better idea of how much money your startup needs to get the proverbial ball rolling, so if you are able to, download a free trial or purchase software outright. Doing so will benefit your business massively.

What Will You Spend the Money On

How do you plan on spending the money that you are borrowing? If you do not have any plans of how to spend it, perhaps borrowing isn’t a good idea. There are many different guides available for free online that you can use to get an idea of how much money a new business needs, and what things a business needs to spend money on. An example has already been given of a tool that can benefit your business, and that is financial forecasting and budgeting software. If you are starting a startup, the chances are your business is going to be online and not a brick-and-mortar one, so it’s worth looking at other types of software that can benefit you, too. Software is the most effective way of managing businesses in the modern world, because there are tools for everything, from security to logging business incomings and outgoings.

Image Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/1-u-s-dollar-bill-164661/

Avoiding Other Sources of Credit

Once you have taken a loan out, you need to avoid other sources of credit. This is because taking out credit cards or loans after you have already borrowed money can lead to you borrowing more than you can afford to repay. It is very difficult to control oneself when money is being thrown at you. A lot of people’s poor self-control leads to them getting themselves and their businesses into lots of debt. Remember that every single time you borrow money from a creditor, interest is added on top. This interest can snowball and lead to you having to declare bankruptcy.

Present Your Case Effectively

In terms of actually applying for a loan, you need to present your case as effectively as you can. If you’re unsure how to present your case to a bank or lending institution, you may want to consider enlisting the support of a consultant. A consultant be able to work with you to convey your plans in the most attractive way possible.


Nobody’s going to want to give you money to spend if you cannot effectively explain what you are going to do with their money, nor elaborate on how you plan on turning your business into a financial success.

Find a Lender with a Good Reputation

Finally, you need to make sure you find the best lender you can. This is because some lenders have been caught adopting unethical practices, i.e., harassing people for money or threatening them into making repayments. You should do everything you can to avoid such individuals. A good way to make sure that a lender is worth working with is to take a look at their feedbacks. Their feedbacks should tell you everything you need to know about them and make it much easier for you to decide whether they are a suitable choice for your business or not.

Obtaining a loan for a startup can be a challenge if you’ve never had to borrow money before. However, just because something is challenging does not mean that it is impossible. You can use the guidance given here to borrow money simply and effectively, so incorporate it into your borrowing strategy.